WebSimHockey - Online hockey manager game
Online hockey manager game
The Ultimate Hockey Manager
Web Sim Hockey is an online simulated hockey game powered by a custom-built simulator system; providing the perfect environment for the armchair GMs out there.
Proud Host of Simulated Leagues
With the help of our strong and active community, we offer the tools and flexibility that allow our GMs to establish a durable, long-term franchise in their respective leagues
Create your Dream Team.
Prepare your team for day 1 of your league:
- Select one of 60 North American cities in which to start your franchise.
- Participate in a 26-round players draft using our unique drafting system.
- Sign a Head Coach.
- Build your arena and more!
Become the next reigning franchise!
Make the right decisions so your team will evolve over multiple seasons.
New league
City draft, 26-rounds player draft, complete season (about 175 days of simulation), playoffs (up to 56 days of simulation), GM support service, etc.
Continue for more seasons with free agents signings, rookies draft, etc.
Taking over an abandoned team (under league control)
If a GM quits the game, his team becomes available for a replacement GM, for the current season. The new GM can decide whether or not he continues with the league after the current season.
OSM Reviews
Football (Soccer)
It is pay to play to begin with and when you realize how long it will take to just build a good team you are talking at a minimum of $100.00! Very few players are active. When you first join you will wait and wait and wait to get into a league.
The team you get you have to play with whatever the last guy[s] screwed up on it. My team was over 150 million in debt, unable to sign players and had no draft picks for the next three years. Team had won like 10 games the year before. In other words this team had no chance to ever become a decent team, or it would cost you several seasons to build. Around 15 to 20 dollars to play EACH SEASON.
Game moves along at a snail’s pace. No game viewer. Dead forum and good luck getting an answer from a game admin. GM’S are allowed to have multiple teams, and brother pairs are common. So cheating is a concern. I saw many questionable trades which is a real turnoff IMO.
All in all, save your time, effort and money and play one of the more established games that are free. Maybe someday WEBSIMHOCKEY will be worth the high price to play it, but not at this time. Idea is good but game does have some bugs in it, why they won’t fix them is anyone’s guess. Just my opinion but POWERPLAY is a way better game all around and is also free.
First of all. If you take a team under league control, it's free. Yes it could be a team in bad shape but you have the job to rebuild it and make it a winner team.
Also, admins do answer at EVERY question we ask them within 24 hours maximum. I normally get an answer in 1 or 2 hours.
Third, the game is bug free - period. I never saw a single problem in one of my 3 leagues.
And finally, ALL teams start with a debt. It's normal and part of the game. You have to manage your finance to refund your debt and make money.
So don't believe this last post. He's probably one of the cheater with a suspended account. I played couple months on PowerPlay manager and WebSimHockey is so more realistic and well connected with the NHL reality. Try them both and make your own opinion.
PowerPlay Manager is not free. You can play for free but you have to pay for every little thing that are "interesting". WebSimHockey is 15$ for 8 months of fun...what you have today for 15$?? I personally prefer paying 15$ one time than having to pay for every little add-ons of the game later on.
BEER HERE is a liar. He joined a team "after" the playoffs were over and lasted about two weeks before he was evicted from the league for his offensive nature and general lack of respect for other people. He then continued to write numerous offensive posts in the general forums before the administrators refunded his money and banned him. He is a sour grape and in my three years of WSH experience by far the worst human being I have encountered.
I am a commissioner in three leagues, one of which is just about completed its playoffs and will have some openings going into our fourth season as we generally turn over 3-4 teams per season. I am personally inviting anyone who reads this to come on over to WSH, introduce themselves in the general forums and I'll so my best to get you into a team and you can judge for your self if this ultimate sim experience is for you.
Most of us are intelligent enough to discredit ranting lunatics who through their own actions have gotten themselves banned, and I'm sure after reading his two spite filled and abrasive posts you are starting to get a picture of why he was ejected.
I have the same nick name on the WSH site, come check it out, if you always wanted to be a general manager, this is your chance and you will not be disappointed!
I played for about half a season and would have to agree with beer guy. I quit because of the cheating. One player multi teams tends to lead to cheating, IMO. It is a pay to play around 20.00 per season. I found the game to be on the boring side myself. I went back to Poewerplay Manager Hockey, its better plus it's free.
This is not accurate to say that one player can have multi-teams. At least not in the same league.
Fact: A GM can be in as many leagues as he wants, but can own only one team per league. Also, a system of IP address recognition is in place to avoid cheating.
In fact, there are rules in place to avoid all kinds of cheating. A GM eviction system is also in place so that the other GMs can vote someone out of the league if he cheats or is being an a**.
I have been with WSH for over two years and have had no problems. The GM's are a great community and the veterans are always willing to lend a hand if needed.
I am in 6 leagues right now and I can't get enough of it!
Beer Here is obviously wrong. Please don't read his crapy.
Huzy8 is a great GM.
I believe this is the best recognition and proof this game is for real when the player association of the most prestigious hockey league in the world associates itself with the game.
I'll keep playing - the $15-20 per season fee is well worth the month of enjoyment.
There's also an emphasis on social with this which may appeal to many people, but not for an old grouch like me. I don't care to throw surveys at the people in my league for social points.
As for the cheating... come on, let's all be realistic. People cheat and bend rules everywhere. There are cries of innocence and screams of damnation, and I had been in the crossfire before myself. It is tough to police and tougher still to prove. More frustrating when you see the same GMs in multiple leagues always finishing near the top (and many commented here against individuals and hey, enough), it makes things suspicious especially with some questionable events. That brother thing that was mentioned, ya, I believe it, weird stuff happens all the time and well... as I said, it's tough to prove and I don't believe it should be the paying customers who need to police things. That leads to silly email/forum feuds that suck the joy out of things and makes nobody look good. Respectable and fun people make or break the leagues. The more I see, the more I feel I would be best just going back to playing Eastside Hockey Manager against the CPU. Especially since I have spent SO MUCH MORE on this than I did on Eastside, and with all its quirks... the old game was more fun, faster to progress, I never felt cheated and it was far less aggravating than WSH because it didn't have a social requirement to it. Unless you are well established and have made friends in the leagues, the social aspect is a waste and a distraction when it is only 2 to 4 people writing 'articles' or trying to get the forum to liven up. It is not worth spending the time to do that. Nobody seems to care or read or reward quality, especially when you are given points to participate and read/rate.
WSH hits on a lot of great things and misses wildly on other items, but they are trying to please everyone... which might be a mistake. I am likely winding down my subscriptions, especially if they keep raising the price (regardless of promo sale prices) because of the things that I mentioned above. Sad because I like it and met what I feel are people, but just don't feel like it is worth the time or money anymore. As a big hockey fan and a big sim fan, the experience just leaves me wanting to go out and make my own, and I have read them from many fellow players/subscribers. And WSH are getting competition down the road with fixed priced rivals from what I have read, so maybe the landscape will change and WSH can ditch the waste and move forward.
While I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to my friends (and stopped doing that a year ago), it is the best out there.
(multiple metaphors and similes were inserted here and deleted for fear of feeling the wrath of WSH devotees in the leagues I am in)... yeah... that's real.
Since I'm an admin I will at least answer about one thing in your comment.
Why do you say the price is always going up ?
We open in 2009 and the price is the same as it was in 2009. In fact, we only added new ways to make it cheaper (promo before the end of the season, promo if you buy a package of pre-paid seasons, promo for the 2nd season of a team taken under league control).
I just want to be sure that everyone knows the price never went up, not only once since we created the game...and we are not planning on raising the price either. Also, the main reason there is a small fee is to be sure that people who plays in your league will at least commit some time to it...which is a major problem in other online manager games.
Thank you for your comment.
Just to make sure there is no ambiguity.
The fee is for the whole season including playoffs, draft, etc which last for 9-10 months in most case and most leagues takes a time-out between seasons so 95% of the time this is the fee per year.
1) Same winning formula. Solid defensive players with high intensity. High leadership (blown out of proportions momentum) and xp and etc. You won't win in this game if you created top-end offensive speedy team or if you like to play on counter-attacks. No way
2) Ridiculously pathetic random factor. I was witness of a guy complaining that he is been outplayed by goalies. Every second game there was a comment about him been robbed by a goalie. I got tired by this and started to follow his games just to prove him that his goalies win games for him as well. I was in 3 leagues with him so I figured it will be easy. But man was I wrong his goalie has never won a game for him, but he lost tons of games when he out-shot opponent 2 to 1. Atleast twice a week. I've realized that if this would happened to me I would be twice as pissed as he is
3) Multies and friendly trades. Tons of this. Mostly coming from veteran managers. Sometimes I was chocked how a trade like this would get approved. And if somebody wouldn't like the trade and question it.... Oh boy... Immediately was bullied by same group of managers. Doesn't matter how much sense his statement makes
4. Some managers obviously have more inside info then others. That's why you could see guys with 20+ cups and others with none. If this game based on random and the guide provided by developers no way it should happened. If there are extras that managers need to know it should be shared with everybody.
5) Don't you dare to criticize site admins. You will be in their bad book in a sec
Anyways this game right now looks more like facebook or twitter where you better make sure people like you and less like hockey management game.
I quit this game and don't regret for a sec. I wouldn't recommend this game.
1) There does not exist a winning formula. If I knew one, I would have more success. I know the game in its most intricate details and yet, there is no way I can win a cup by default. In fact, in over 5 years and a ton of seasons, I won 3 cup, all with the same team. The competition is tough, with real GMs wanting to win as well. This is even more true in Real Evo player where you get to scout the real players to have success over time. Virtual evo is more predictable and can ensure more stability in a team.
2) What you describe as a random factor is actually the greatest asset of our simulation engine. Go ahead and simulate over 3000 plays in a game and you will never get the same result. Same thing with the NHL, you could play 30 times in a row the same game between a top and a low seed and you'll get different results each time, although the best team will win more times. This is exactly what happens on websim. Although you can have a great season with a team, there is no win that is guaranteed, and no outside factors that change the way the game is simulated to favour a lower seed, per example, or to change the dynamics that both GMs already have control over.
3) We have 4 trade committee members in each league + the league commissioner who evaluate the trades. They are responsible to make sure there is no trick between two GMs. We also have different systems in place that will recognize GMs with same IP address, per example. But all in all, the trade committee should be aware of the risks of a new GM trading with an experienced one.
4) All the info is available. We have tutorials, tons of info in every page that is relevent. We also have a full game guide that you should read at least in diagonal once or twice a year. The news feed allows you to ask questions to your friends, per example. Or else, you can even ask question to our generous Mentor GMs who help others on a voluntary basis. Go ask a question to them before trading if you aren't sure of a trade value.
5) This is the most ridiculous thing. You can criticize the game as much as you want, you can insult us personally and we won't say a word against you. You should know that over 5 years, there has been less than 5 accounts banned on our site. It's simple, we don't have to do that. We listen to what people have to say about the game and make changes if needed.
True, we added a news feed that is similar to facebook, except that in our case, it allows our GMs to communicate between themselves, to comment their post-game reports or anything they want about their team.
And, one thing that seperates us from the rest, is the fact that all of our English leagues are usually full of real people. If a team becomes available, a new GM is found within a day, most of the time.
Stability, durability, long-term commitment from our GMs, ease of access, constant evolution of the game and so much more is what we offer in our leagues.
Anyone who is currently playing on a standalone simulation engine, such as STHS, FHL, EHM, etc, can transfert their league to WebSimhockey with their full rosters intact as well as draft picks, prospects, etc.
Enough said ;)
Couldn't expect for a better prove for how any opinion which isn't praising WEBsim listed as not true
Thank you EricB
Since version 2.0 however, it look to much like facebook, and I hate facebook. So I drop all my league but 1, and didnt keep president role in the only league I'm still in. Simulator and options are better in version 2.0, the only fact that made me drop league is the ''facebook'' look and all this kind of things.
Better than Hockey Arena and other Simulator like that.
At the end of the day, what we've always wanted ultimately is to make the game better and this is what we're committed to doing on a daily basis.
If you, or anyone, has anything to propose to help the game get better, we will always listen as we've always done.
Its only that I love old school forum... And I hate all the social network like Facebook. That's too much
Did you know you can set your home page to be the Web Sim Journal just like before? To do so, click on the Settings menu icon and select Home page and set it to WebSimJournal.
This way, you can check the feed only if needed, to vote on a poll or to check your alerts.
Or else, if you want to use the feed for everything but the social comments made on it, you can turn off every social status posted by clicking on the "eye" icon next to the filter category you want to turn off. Basically, the eye is a trigger to show/hide an item category from your feed.
I read your entire post and while I can respect your opinion, you bring some points as if they were facts when they're in fact, just your opinions.
That's why I believe that the admins felt the need to rectify a couple of things.
i recommend this sim for any hockey fan .
J'ai jamais été un grand fan de simulation de sports, mais ce jeu là m'a vraiment accroché, et j'ai déjà corrompu 3 de mes chums! ;)
Pour ce qui est du chiâlage un peu plus haut, je pense que c'est vraiment exagéré, encore quelqu'un qui prend une mauvaise expérience unique en s'imaginant que tout est ainsi. Oui, j'ai vu des cas de triche/tentatives de, et il y a des joueurs qui savent pas vivre (mais bon, bienvenue sur Internet!), mais jamais rien au point de gâcher une ligue ou l'expérience de jeu.
Les admins s'occupent bien de leur affaire; j'ai jamais attendu plus qu'une journée pour avoir une réponse/ un retour sur une question, il suffit de demander au bon endroit.
J'ai pas essayé assez de jeux de simulation pour prétendre détenir la vérité comme d'autre et dire que Websimhockey est le meilleur, mais c'en est un excellent. À 15-20 piasses pour autant de mois de fun, c'Est vraiment pas cher! (C'est faux de dire que le prix augmente; il n'a jamais bougé de ce prix là : gratis pour une tutelle, 20$ pour une première inscription et 15$ pour un renouvellement.)
On se voit sur la glace! ;)
I've never been a great fantasy hockey fan, but that one game got me hooked up and i corrupted 3 friends, already! ;)
As for the rantings above, I think they are a little blown out of proportion. There are cheaters, or disrepectful players (eh, it's the Internet), but noting to the extent of ruining a game-experience or league.
I've never had an inquiry to the admins take more than a day to receive an answer.
I haven't tried enough simulators to pretend it's the best, but a great one, for sure! That many months of fun for 15-20$ is no big deal, and that price never changed since the launch of the site; dont eat all the bull there is!
See you on the ice!
J'y suis depuis 2009 et WSH est la réalité le plus prêt du hockey professionnel. C'est un passe temps des plus formidable pour tous les âges et tous les sexes. L'essayez c'est l'adopté, jaco
Definitely wouldn't recommend this game, the only reason IMO why this game survives is cuz there is no alternative game
Concerning the rantings: Like everywhere else, some people do not want to learn, they want to display their subjective „knowledge“ and in their perception they are never wrong, never. Because they then miss a lot of the game and it's depth, failure sneaks in. Then they begin to blame the system, the admins, accuse GMs of cheating. Some want to gain attention with creating dramas. Others lack the analytical skills to proparly read the information given by the site and to see the depth in it.
If you like hockey, stats, trading and strategies, you will LOVE this game! Come and try it, the veteran GMs are very happy to answer questions! The atmosphere is much friendlier ingame than on this wall! Have fun!
More races,more series
The main problem is that they completely removed the financial system which was awesome. Profitability no longer means anything and can't be carried forward throughout the years of your dynasty.
They claim the old system favored large market but the new system is MUCH worse for small market teams. They claim this isn't true but trust me it is. I have all small market teams and am now being punished by payroll restrictions for having made the good decision to choose those franchises under the old rules.
Previously with a small market team you were still able to spend to the same salary cap as others. As long as you made a round or two of playoffs you could be profitable.
In the new system your "owner" will determine a "payroll budget" for you. With small market teams your "budget" will be WAY lower than large market teams. So much for parity!
If you're going to play this game makes sure that rule R9 is disabled. It will completely remove the new financial aspect. All teams will have the same payroll and finances affect nothing.
Once you learn it more and you get to know the keys, you cannot dislike this game, unless you would like to play it and not manage a team. WSH is all about hockey management as if you would be THE GM of your own team.
You could be playing in real leagues or virtual ones. You can play in leagues were some players could be created, you could play 1 simulation a day like it could be 9 of them. Leagues of 24 teams or 12.
Any league rules could be voted and/or modified between seasons as GM would vote it.
As for the admin, they are always there, always respectful and open minded to critics and/or suggestions. And they will always answer any of your concerns in regards to any questions concerning the games, the rules and leagues.
Big THUMBS UP for the game and it's crew!!
15$ for 8 month Wow !
- Racing Career
- Grand Prix Racing Online
- Red Zone Action
- My Football Now
- Hockey Arena
- Game Plan Hockey
And WebSim Hockey is by far the best game of my list.
70% raiting? Even if you don‘tt like the game, at least 75% rating should be awarded. I like it quite well and I would give anything between 82% and 85%.
Some dislike the Facebook look.
The UI is clear, functional and professional, clearly better than UIs of other web browser games. There is very little, if at all, to complain about.
WebSim Hockey
Only 70% Raiting? You must be kidding.