Online Sport Manager Games

Fussball Manager - Online soccer manager game

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Sport: Football (Soccer)
User Rating: 25.00% (42 votes)
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Fussball Manager - Online soccer manager game


Fussball manager is german online football manager game.

Dich interessiert Fussball? Du suchst ein realitätsnahes Fussball Manager Browsergame zum online spielen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! ist ein gratis Fußball-Manager-Browserspiel, in welchem Du die Aufgaben von Manager und Trainer einer virtuellen Fussballmannschaft übernimmst. Dein Können entscheidet im Browsergame über Sieg oder Niederlage. Melde Dich gleich an und führe Dein Team zu Titel in der Liga oder zum Pokalsieg gegen reale Gegner!


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OSM Reviews



2012-08-25 10:54:58 Enilda (unregistered) IP: 118.85.*.*
They score goals in soccer games? I thgouht they all ended 0-0 after 120 minutes of excrusiating boredom and then are decided by a skills competition. Who knew?And the Bon Accord answer is dead on but as far as modern soccer didn't Spain hammer Malta one year during WC qualifying something like 15-1?
2014-12-17 20:49:44 Stiverson (unregistered) IP: 186.93.*.*
1.What is your socohl like? I go to an all girls Catholic socohl. It has over 700 students so it's very big 2.What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subjects are history and English 3.How many hours do you spend at socohl? Too man 4.What would you like to be when you grow up? Maybe a journalist or perhaps a teacher 5.What activities do you do in your spare time? I like to read, sing and hang out with my friedns at weekends! 6.What is your favourite sport? I'm not big into sport but I kinda like tennis 7.Do you like football (soccer)? Do you play for a team? Nope, I don't really like it so I don't play for a team 8.Have you ever been to England? Yup, a large part of my family live in England so I visit sometimes 9.Have you ever eaten an English fry-up? Ehmmm that's pretty much the same as an Irish breakfast so 10.Do you use any social networking sites? I am a facebook addict! I also use twitter a lot :L 11.What is better PS3 or Xbox? Why? Which is your favourite game? I don't play many video games but I like the Xbox. The only games I play are Mario and Fable 12.If you had $5000/€5000 what would you spend it on and why? I would probably spend it on things I've wanted for a long time like Avril Lavigne perfume..I'd buy something for my baby brother too and maybe start sponsering a charity that helps underprivilaged kids.


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