Online Sport Manager Games

Planetarium Football Star - Online soccer manager game

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Sport: Football (Soccer)
User Rating: 47.40% (336 votes)
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Planetarium Football Star - Online soccer manager game


FootStar (Planetarium Football Star) is a game where you are in control of a football player, trying to become the best player the planet has ever seen.
Your basic task is to train your player the best you can. This will enable you to get to play in the best teams and therefore have a good contract that will allow you to afford a better lifestyle. You should also make sure you have a good relation with your manager so that you can get the chance to play as much as you can. The more you play the more experience you'll get and that will mean you'll play even better. Only the best performances will lead you to international recognition amongst the several other star players around the globe.
You'll have the chance to log in everyday to follow the evolution of your player and take care of all his related issues.


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OSM Reviews



2011-10-27 03:08:10 Bucky (unregistered) IP: 71.185.*.*
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thkans to this article.
2012-12-16 19:55:46 kerds78 (unregistered) IP: 94.193.*.*
it is amazing get it now!
2013-11-30 23:36:17 Jan Kolá? (unregistered) IP: 80.87.*.*
A hybajte všeci do Bazingy FC.
2013-12-01 00:00:31 Ambroz Slavik (unregistered) IP: 109.81.*.*
Ani se neptejte, rovnou piste. Honza Kolar bere vsechny :D
2013-12-01 00:21:24 Rosa (unregistered) IP: 80.55.*.*
Shooting :P
2013-12-01 07:05:11 Adam Zemanek (unregistered) IP: 93.153.*.*
ShootinG StaR - let's go! :)
2013-12-01 09:39:09 Buwol (unregistered) IP: 90.180.*.*
Super manager, doporucuji nejlepsi tym v CR:

FK Buwol Luka!!!!
2014-01-04 08:15:20 Polák (unregistered) IP: 77.48.*.*
a hybajte všichni do ciziny, hlavn? ne do šutingu:-D
2014-01-07 16:14:54 Sebastian Tatarka (unregistered) IP: 195.168.*.*
Vsetky cesty vedu do Rima...ale cez FS :P
2016-04-14 18:27:01 Suzyn (unregistered) IP: 188.143.*.*
You've really imespsred me with that answer!

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