Online Sport Manager Games

AMFA Manager - Online soccer manager game

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Sport: Football (Soccer)
User Rating: 32.21% (52 votes)
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AMFA Manager - Online soccer manager game


AMFA Manager is one of the most realistic and competitive football manager games online. Created by Liger Software, it is a massive online soccer game featuring multiplayer football management simulation in a persistent browser-based game (PBBG).


Free to try, 5 GBP for 1 season, 10 GBP for 3 seasons, 15 GBP for 7 seasons (12 months)


OSM Reviews



2013-02-08 18:12:42 Samson (unregistered) IP: 221.181.*.*
We are busy watching it snow, wet, clmupy, great for making snow man snow. About 5 inches so far today. I guess we are getting Toronto's snow storm only we would not call it a storm, here in Bruce County it is just plain old snow. Other than digging out tomorrow we are heading out for breakfast. How we love to do that. Our favourite breakfast restaurant closed the other week... boo hoo. So we are on the hunt for another. Nothing beats a greasy spoon for breakfast.What team is the family favourite in soccer? Oh yes happy relaxing.
2013-04-25 20:45:29 Fishcat (unregistered) IP: 2.28.*.*
This game ran until about 2010, when the last remaining admin pulled the plug. It was fun to play and had a vibrant forum community, but was let down by a low-scoring match engine and a refusal by the admins to acknowledge the problem, which was tragic, because it could have been huge. A lack of any initiative from 2008 onwards led to its demise.
2014-12-18 05:25:49 Jorge (unregistered) IP: 62.210.*.*
oh right, i didnt notice the spnelilg lol, i just rushed it out, i never check my spnelilg out, so mistakes will be made! lolThanks for the positive reaction guys, i really appreciate it, when i have a new FM vid out, ill make another post for you guys to see it, although i recommend subscribing, i could use all the help i can get!


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