Online Sport Manager Games

Footie Legend - Online soccer manager game

Try new formula 1 manager game!
Sport: Football (Soccer)
Game died and is not available any more!

Footie Legend - Online soccer manager game


FootieLegend is a FREE football management game. You take control of your very own team and try to take them to the highest heights you can, whether thats a Mid-table club, League winners or even Champions Cup winners. The sky`s the limit.

You need to split your time accordingly between the finances of your club and the running of your team. Will you buy ready made stars for instant success or will you bring through your own superstars through the youth team?

You play against real life people from all around the world, so Remember, they too will want to be the best, so you will always have to be improving your team.

Don`t be the best! Be a Legend!




OSM Reviews



2012-02-03 22:15:03 QPR Hero (unregistered) IP: 2.122.*.*
A good little game, though a bit basic to look at, it is improving daily.
2012-02-04 20:05:38 CFC (unregistered) IP: 81.159.*.*
a great game so far, very nice admins.. looking forward to see some more updates!
2012-02-15 11:03:15 DareForMore (unregistered) IP: 217.39.*.*
awesome game... great for people and soo many new things each week!!! pics need changing as they have a new, better menu now!
2012-02-22 12:31:30 broke23 (unregistered) IP: 194.78.*.*
really nice game, improving daily and what's really important, admins that listen to their users and know how to interact with them
2012-03-02 20:11:21 Afsar (unregistered) IP: 109.230.*.*
Ich kann dir in allen Punkten zustimmen. Im Vergleich mit dem Bundesliga Manager ist Soccer Match ebsser. Ob das Game aber auch in einem Test mit den gestandenen Fussballmanagern ala Hattrick, OFM, Teamfight usw. so gut abschneiden wfcrde, we4re sicher mal interessant. Obwohl natfcrlich ein Vergleich immer schwierig ist, denn dem einen gefe4llt das und dem anderen gefe4llt das.beste Grfcsse Andreas
2012-03-05 09:06:24 jester (unregistered) IP: 82.58.*.*
i think this game become the best FREE online football management game
2012-03-08 18:14:37 Loris (unregistered) IP: 93.137.*.*
Great game and great developer,they do everything to satisfy people...and they improve it very fast :)
2012-03-14 19:20:17 Stativa (unregistered) IP: 93.143.*.*
wtf is wrong with the site? when I try to open it, it goes to some IIS7 site?!
2012-04-01 00:24:55 FootieLegend (unregistered) IP: 86.151.*.*
These past errors have now been fixed :)
Apoligies for that!
2012-04-03 00:16:00 c_g (unregistered) IP: 151.95.*.*
it's small now, but it will get bigger and bigger, the guys know what they're doing, they listen to new ideas, discuss them and implement if they're worth it. and although it's so new, it's pretty complex already. also seasons pass pretty fast, only 56 days for a season, 4 matches a week, it keeps you glued to it, not like other games where you login twice a week for 10 minutes and that's it.
2012-05-03 11:35:28 footieman (unregistered) IP: 82.58.*.*
Very nice soccer game, he is a manager and tactical game. There is a good admin.....GREAT GAME....CONGRATULATIONS
2012-07-24 05:54:34 Red Lived (unregistered) IP: 144.36.*.*
Been playing the game since season 1... they have improve a lot since then... now its on the 3rd season, things have change for the better...
2012-08-14 03:52:33 Tetouan (unregistered) IP: 196.206.*.*
Seems like a copy of Trophymanager, but Trophymanager is much better !
2012-08-15 23:52:44 bobland (unregistered) IP: 99.119.*.*
It is a very new game, still in beta stages. The staff is extremely friendly (the only game to have this). There are bugs occasionally but are fixed within 1-2 days. One of my favorites. This game is constantly improving and has a really bright future.
2012-08-29 12:12:23 dickandtracy (unregistered) IP: 151.63.*.*
do you want to hear a fair opinion? this is mine

this game is full of bugs and multiaccount users, tell ya what: you can have even 10 teams, they won't ban you, it's funny, not for me

the engine is a pain the ass, no comment

after playing 2 seasons I choose to not sign in anymore

the admins are kind people, but they say u they haven't enough time to improve game, 'cause it's just a hobby of his, so the game is still so primitive

after 6 months by his creation, I didn't see any evolution, just backwards. Thought it was a smart game, I was wrong

the only one positive side is the community: they're very few users, but everyone speaking English from different countries, and they're often smart guys - this international aspect is something of nice
2012-09-15 22:23:22 iego (unregistered) IP: 99.119.*.*
"you can have even 10 teams, they won't ban you"

You're smoking too much.
2013-02-09 16:13:25 Nirgal (unregistered) IP: 78.1.*.*
I think it was nice game, and I have a nice time those couple of seasons.
Any news on when will we play it again?
2013-09-06 02:10:12 pietje (unregistered) IP: 81.207.*.*
today is 17/03 LOL
i was champion of the Netherlands
but its been all the time not a good game only stayed at the game because i had 1 of the best teams of the Netherlands
2013-09-09 22:48:47 Neške (unregistered) IP: 93.87.*.*
Anybody knows how i can contact moderators from this game?I want to set a question for they when the game will start again,and does will ever start.
2013-10-07 17:13:58 number1 (unregistered) IP: 78.0.*.*
? don't think it will start again.Admins just lied to us, they got the money and now bye bye.
2014-11-17 01:42:05 BB (unregistered) IP: 81.156.*.*
Hi to anyone who's followed on here. We will be reinstating all previous purchases. We have no intention of 'stealing' or 'lying', we simply wanted to re-brand the game as so much has gone on. FL stopped a long time ago and Dugout Soccer is it's replacement with a brand new engine and improvements in all areas to make it the game that, unfortunately, FootieLegend failed to be.


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